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September 2023 Budget Update CBB Family


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Welcome to the September 2023 Budget Update edition for the CBB family.

Today, I will detail how our month of expenses went and explain where the money went.

Why Do I Share Our Monthly Budget?​

I look forward to putting this post together as it lets us see where our money was spent.

A budget also acts as a diary for your expenses so you can look back to see success and failure.

After all, we can only be successful if we learn from the mistakes we make along the way.

Our budget update also lets readers know that we are NOT perfect and must make changes like everyone else.

We use the tools (Free budget Binder), and I hope you have downloaded your free copy.

If there’s any information that you’d like to know or explain about our budget, please share your comments below.

Alright, let’s get into this.

September 2023 Monthly Budget Update

September 2023 Monthly Budget Update

Discussion September 2023 Budget​

We’ve got a massive increase in expenses for September, which I will explain.

Overall, there continues to be a strain on our grocery budget as we take advantage of Flashfood sales, Amazon deals, and in-store specials.

Often, we have to outweigh the good with the ugly, and since we have the extra splash money, we opt for the savings.

With no debt, this does make spending extra on grocery deals easier, but it’s not something we do without consideration.

Percentages For the September 2023 Budget​

September 2023 Month by Month

September 2023 Month by Month

As you can see, our housing ratio for 2023 has been high due to the amount of renovations we’ve been tackling.

Otherwise, we seem balanced and focused on our yearly financial goals.

Budget Month Comparison​

Budget Month To Month September 2023 Budget Update

Budget Month To Month September 2023 Budget Update

We had a 180% change in net worth due to renovations, investment fluctuations, and other category overages.

Due to union negotiations, I received a 3.5% raise at work in August and retro pay in September, artificially increasing our net income by 56.64%.

September 2023 Household Budget Percentages​

September 2023 Household Percentages

September 2023 Household Percentages

Savings of 17.28 % in September include
investments, and savings are based on our net income.

The housing ratio stands out the most at 135.02% because our siding and garage door project costs nearly $25,000.

These renovation expenses were budgeted over the last 15 years of owning our home.

Our Life Ratio is 22.14%, lower than August, which is fantastic.

Life contains everything from groceries, entertainment, miscellaneous, health/beauty, clothing, etc.

It’s always lovely to see our transportation costs low as they can be costly for many people.

Our truck has no loan, and only one of us goes to work, making things cheaper even though gas prices are exponentially high.

Equally important is saving money for our projected expenses due throughout the year.

All categories took 100% of our income, showing we accounted for all the revenue in September 2023.

Both housing and transportation stay below the monthly percentage points.

We have zero debt, which helps fund other budget categories to maximize investments and savings.

Grocery Food Savings Jar September Update​

Soon, I will be writing a detailed blog post about why we will track our grocery discounts.

Update: Tracking Our Grocery Discounts For One Year + Free Printable

I will tally it at the end of the year to see how much we saved buying reduced food products.

For September 2023, we saved $100.17 by purchasing food that was reduced in price.

Also, we received free food from the Flashfood app using rewards points that I don’t calculate into our grocery expenses.

So far, in 2023, purchasing discounted food has saved us $947.27.

That’s Awesome!!

Grocery Food Savings Jar September 2023

Grocery Food Savings Jar September 2023

September 2023 Budget and Actual Budget​

Below are two tables: Our September 2023 Budget and our Actual Budget.

Our September 2023 monthly budget represents two adults and a 9-year-old boy.

Budget Colour Key: It is a projected expense
when highlighted in blue.

Since May 2014, we’ve been mortgage-free, redirecting our money into investments and home improvement projects.

Spending less than we earn and budgeting has been the easiest way to pay off our debt and save money.

This type of budget is a zero-based budget where all the money has a home.

Estimated September 2023 Budget​

September 2023 Monthly Budgeted Amount

September 2023 Monthly Budgeted Amount

Actual September 2023 Budget​

September 2023 Monthly Actual Amount

September 2023 Monthly Actual Amount

Canadian Banks, We Use​

Breakdown Of Our September 2023 Budget​

Below are some of our variable expenses from September, apart from investments.

In September, we spent $20,596.91 over budget of $6,840.26, so let’s look at where the extra cash went.

September $27,437.17(Actual Expenses) – $6,840.26 (Budgeted Amount) = $20,596.91 over budget

September 2023 Budget Category Changes​

We did not have any budget changes for September.

I will increase our birthday, pet, grocery, and now our telecommunications categories as Spotify increased in price in September.

Thankfully, my Freedom Mobile is still at $19 monthly for 5G of data!

Subscribe using my link in the blog post linked above and get a discount if you go with Freedom Mobile.

Come 2024, we will make the appropriate changes since our projected expenses are insufficient.

Household Bills​

Below is an explanation of the budget categories from September 2023 that were over budget or need clarification.

Bills such as hydro, water, electricity, water heater, home, and auto insurance were billed around what we expected.

There were no surprises. I use the timer on our washing machine to reduce expenses and hang clothes that don’t need to be put in the dryer.

We also don’t have a dishwasher and are mindful of the lights, heating, and A/C.

Pet Expenses​

Again, our pet expenses were over the budget of $50 monthly because Mrs. CBB couldn’t stop finding deals on food and snacks.

I estimate that in 2024, we will see our monthly pet expenses near the $250 mark, including vet visits.

When Amazon has a deal or coupons, she buys extra cases of cat food and snacks.

We know they must eat, so we take advantage of the sales instead of paying full price.

Perhaps we need a pet stockpile budget? It’s not every month, but it might be something to consider for 2024.

Our cats love Fancy Feast wet cat food, and we can’t find coupons.

If anyone has any tips, please message me or comment below.


Mrs. CBB went to the thrift store and spent around $100 on clothing for our son, a top, and a Canada winter jacket for herself.

It was a discount day, so she took advantage and did quite well.

We also ordered new running shoes for our son and some other clothing from Puma from the sales category.

Using Rakuten and our credit card also gave us cash back with the purchase.

Kid Expenses​

In September, we purchased several educational materials on Amazon to help our son with math and language.


Our prescription expenses were higher this month because they all came due simultaneously.

All prescriptions are run through my benefits at 85% and still leave a balance of $200.

For 2024, I will change this category and adjust it based on current medication costs.

Birthday Expenses​

Our son has three birthday parties to attend in October, so Mrs. CBB purchased gifts on Amazon.

I think for 2024, we will have to increase the amount to include approximately five birthday parties for kids at school.

FlashFood App​

We spent $ FlashFood App in September but have saved $395 in 2023.

Mrs. CBB and I both have Flashfood accounts, and she saved $15 in September.

In September, we found some fantastic deals on the Flashfood App.

Typically, we look for milk, yogurt, specialty bread, and meats and produce boxes.

Recently, I’ve noticed that some Loblaws stores are beginning to include health and beauty products.

FlashFood App September 2023 plus 15

FlashFood App September 2023 plus 15

Health and Beauty​

Anything purchased in this category is all Mrs. CBB’s doing. Haha!

Items include iron pills, CeraVe hydrating cream, bathroom cleaner, paper towels, toilet paper, and a jug of Palmolive dish soap.

Those are just some items on the list, as there were more but just general needs.

PC Optimum Points​

Over the last 45 days between our PC World Elite MasterCard, Zehrs, and No Frills, we’ve earned 35,560 PC Optimum points or $35.

Our current PC Optimum Points amount is close to $7000.

Shoppers Optimum Points 2023

Shoppers Optimum Points 2023

TD Visa Cash Back Amount​

TD Cash Back Visa Card September 2023

TD Cash Back Visa Card September 2023

Our TD Visa has a cashback balance of $351.69.

Canadian Tire Triangle Rewards September 2023​

Typically, my expenses are put on my Canadian Tire MasterCard apart from Costco CIBC MasterCard for gas and groceries and PC World Elite MasterCard for groceries.

Canadian Tire Rewards September 2023

Canadian Tire Rewards September 2023

Grocery Budget September 2023 Budget​

Our monthly grocery budget is $900 plus a $25 stockpile budget.

In September, we spent $321.48 over budget on groceries, much higher than most months.

We’ve been buying lots of fruit the last few months, especially apples, and the prices have been hit or miss.

We often only buy what’s on sale, but the Cosmic apples have held steady at $3.99lb.

During the month, Mrs. CBB started to purchase Halloween candy on Amazon since it was on sale, which added to the overage.

September 2023 CBB Net Worth Update​


Our net worth sucks this month, but with renovations, there’s not much we can do.

The investment portfolios went south in September, which decreased our numbers by $20,447.07 or -2.14%.

Until Next Time!​

That’s all for our September 2023 Monthly Budget,

If there’s something you’d like to see in our monthly update, hit reply to this email and let me know.

Thanks for stopping by, and please subscribe if you are new to CBB.

Read our budget updates from 2012-current.


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The post September 2023 Budget Update CBB Family appeared first on Canadian Budget Binder.
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