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Public Health Center of Excellence on Dementia Caregiving Releases Updated Guide on Advanced Care Planning


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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A resource available through the Public Health Center of Excellence on Dementia Caregiving, called “A Guide on Advanced Care Planning Resources: For People Living with Dementia and Their Care Partners,” has been updated.

The guide contains a range of tools, materials, and information related to advanced care planning, including financial, housing, medical, legal, and palliative/hospice care assistance. This resource is the result of a comprehensive, environmental scan of available dementia-specific planning resources for advanced care.

This guide is intended to be used primarily by people living with dementia and their care partners. It should be used as a tool to help navigate and provide recommend actions for effective care, services, and considerations at various stages of cognitive impairment and dementia.

To view the updated guide, you can visit https://bit.ly/GuideonACP.

The post Public Health Center of Excellence on Dementia Caregiving Releases Updated Guide on Advanced Care Planning appeared first on Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative.
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