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Making #HarGharHealthy with Aris BioEnergy Campaign


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Do you know, you allow a monster to eat you every day? Yes, you read it right. You allow a monster to consume you gradually. Guess what the monster looks like? Look at your frying Kadai; the monster will be sitting there. Used cooking oil is the biggest perpetrator that has the potential to kill you.

As Indians are known for their delectable cuisine, Indians are also on the foremost rank for health problems. The number of people with diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, etc is elevating at an alarming rate. Even though people are educated and very well aware of the consequences of using used cooking oil, many people consume it, to save money or prevent wastage. But what we don’t realize is that the money we save by using used cooking oil ends up taking us to the hospital.

Do you know that reheating used cooking oil makes oil more carcinogenic which means it has the potential to cause cancer? Now you can figure out what are your chances to develop such deadly diseases after consuming toxic used cooking oil for these many years.

Each year in India, roughly around 5.8 million people die due to health diseases like cancer, stroke, diabetes, etc. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year 1.7 million Indians die due to heart diseases.

Considering the amount of destruction Used cooking oil is inflicting on the humans and environment, FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) has initiated RUCO (Repurpose Used Cooking Oil) an ecosystem to repurpose used cooking oil for the betterment of humans and the environment.

We at Aris BioEnergy understand how used cooking oil jeopardizes human health as well as environmental health. That’s why we urge you to participate in our #HarGharHealthy campaign to keep your and your loved one’s health intact.

#HarGharHealthy is a simpler way to eradicate toxic used cooking oil from your healthy life.

If you wish to participate in the #HarGharHealthy campaign,

You just have to follow 3 important steps.

1) Cook Responsibly – Prepare food from fresh oil and don’t use that oil again. Don’t use the used cooking oil even in small portions such as for tadkas, frying papads, etc.

2) Collect Safely – Once you are done cooking, keep the remaining oil aside and let it cool down. Once the oil has cooled down, store it in a safe container. You can mix oil from various dishes as long as you are collecting oil, it is fine.

3) Contribute – Once you store it safely and the oil is in a substantial amount, make sure to contact us. We will arrange a doorstep pick-up service for you. Hand over the container of used cooking oil to our staff. You certainly don’t have to worry about where this oil will be used or will it be sold in the market again. The used cooking oil that we will be collecting from you will be used for the production of biofuels. So, you will not only be saving your and your loved ones’ life but you will be saving our mother Earth too.

WhatsApp us on 7304745554 for registration and details.

Let’s make #HarGharHealthy together.

The post Making #HarGharHealthy with Aris BioEnergy Campaign appeared first on Aris BioEnergy.
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