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AnnMcL, Solution Builder and Catalyst


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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My focus is on BUILDING solutions.

Much of my 20 years as a psychotherapist were helping people untangle human problems, envision solutions and dreams and get to goals.

For the last 15 years, I have directed NGOabroad: International Careers and Volunteering to harness people’s skills to humanity’s challenges; and to help people enter or advance in international development work. See https://ngoabroad.com.

I spent years to grasp what ARE the challenges and in each country? I could see the breadth and depth of the challenges…and had an revelation that to solve the problems, we must harness MANY people’s commitment and skills…thus NGOabroad.

I wanted to have a multiplier effect.

It is now America that is my focus. Again, I see my role as being a multiplier and mbolizer for social change and to make a difference. I want to leverage my skills a a change maker for change makers – to transform how you think of yourself and your capabilities.

My focus always has been and always will be on creating solutions.

My writing aims to give an over-arching view of how we target the heart of issues…and then the tangible steps to make change happen.

Can we solve the challenges of our time? Yes we can! I am here to help you do it.

America is my focus now because we are up to our ears in challenges. I think much of the world is looking at us and wondering: “What IS your problem?!” But for the last 15 years, I have worked with people from all corners of the world and will continue to do so. So whether you want to be make a difference internationally or in your home community or country, the services of AnnMcL.com are designed to both inspire you and help you move forward.

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