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~ Alumni Interviews ~


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Meet Carrie Curtis, one of our graduates! We are so proud and humbled to have played a role in her growth in Jesus and preparation for ministry!

What led you to ABC?

God used multiple factors for me to arrive at ABC. I wanted to get at least one year of solid Bible foundation before I’d go into whatever God directed next. My parents were both alumni from ABC 1989-1992. ABC is accredited, so I could get some financial help and had work study opportunities. It was in Alaska, and I wanted an adventure and a chance to rely on God alone, being so far from my immediate family. Then travel costs were taken care of since some airline miles were built up. All this came together in much prayer as God provided. I’m so grateful that He did!

What are you currently doing for vocational ministry?

I’m one of the full-time staff with InterAct Ministries in their Alaska location. I serve in missionary support & encouragement (connecting, packages & aviation), mobilization & recruitment (connecting with inquiries by zoom & visits to Bible colleges spring and fall), ministry partnership (connecting with ministries in the state of Alaska, including Bible camps), as well as campus hospitality & office help. Also in the winter I get to walk alongside all the young ladies involved in LEaD, InterAct’s discipleship program for young Alaska Native believers.

How did your time at ABC help prepare you for that?

I grew up with rich opportunities to learn about God and to study His Word with my mom, family, homeschool and in church. ABC was the next step in pulling a lot of that knowledge together and having to explain for myself why I believe what I believe based on Scripture. I was challenged, stretched and grew in my walk with Christ. I really got to see the timeline of the Old and New Testament and how the Bible canon came to be, which I didn’t even think about before. Inductive Bible Study was huge and fun. To really know how to study His Word and figure out necessary strategic things like who wrote which book of the Bible, why, to whom, and the overall message each brought. Plus, learning tools for delving into the Biblical languages has been very helpful to this day. This all prepared me for my roles at InterAct as well as relating to students at other Bible colleges that I visit to represent InterAct. I got connected to Kingdom Air Corps through ABC, which was the next stage of mission aviation training God had for me to take into my roles in Alaska with InterAct. It is all so neat to look back on!

What was the biggest takeaway or change that God worked in you during your time as a student?

I was very shy and not very confident in group settings. However, God used this time to help shape me and challenge me to lean into Him with all that I had. He helped me to trust Him like never before, even when it was hard. He used that ahead in many years of unknown, difficult situations where I didn’t know what to do or what He was doing. He grew my trust and dependence upon Him, and I’m so glad of it as He continues to do so.

The post ~ Alumni Interviews ~ appeared first on Alaska Bible College.
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